If entrepreneurs aren’t strategic, they can end up spending large quantities of funding on marketing without receiving much feedback in return. While paying for SEO and social media ads can be useful, there are many ways to market your brand, product or service at...
Entrepreneurship is hard. While social media and other websites offer continuous inspiration and success stories, the truth is that half of the startup businesses fail to survive the initial five year period; perhaps that is uplifting to hear in itself, as it is...
If you have a startup business, then you are probably planning your IPO. However, it can be confusing and difficult if you don’t know where to start. After all, there are many avenues to pursue and things that you need to get right. But if you have the right...
Thought leaders spend years creating innovative content. They are constantly exposed to a topic, willing to learn, and able to be repetitive in order to grow an audience. Many thought leaders say that creating a personal brand is at the core of getting to their level....
Serving as a manager or business leader requires you to effectively manage your team and ensure that each member is using his or her time as efficiently as possible. This is often much easier said than done, as it is nearly impossible to monitor every single person’s...