Increasing Your Workplace Diversity

Increasing Your Workplace Diversity

In the U.S., the idea of workplace diversity has recently taken center stage in discussions about how to make businesses better places to work for marginalized people. Having an employee base of people from different backgrounds is also an invaluable asset for company...
The Benefits of Corporate Philanthropy

The Benefits of Corporate Philanthropy

While some corporations are still contributing to worthy causes, philanthropy has taken a hard hit in recent years. It’s a trend that might have been anticipated, considering the situation in which most corporations find themselves. On the one side, they have...
Top Qualities of A Good Leader

Top Qualities of A Good Leader

Becoming a strong leader takes time. Good leadership skills evolve through experience. Some good leaders are born, while others adhere to the philosophy that insists strong leaders are molded. Here are three qualities that make a good leader.   Communicate  ...
Avoiding Philanthropic Burnout

Avoiding Philanthropic Burnout

Burnout is defined as physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress. Burnout is very real and can affect many different aspects of the workforce. Philanthropic burnout is essentially burnout in the nonprofit sector. Philanthropic burnout can occur when...
Is Your Business Growing Too Fast?

Is Your Business Growing Too Fast?

Of course, you want your business to grow quickly! All the signs are pointing to growth for your business. Business growth is exciting and helps validate your idea and all the hard work you have been putting into the business. Although, there is such a thing as rapid...
You Have A Business Idea! Now What?

You Have A Business Idea! Now What?

A brilliant business idea can strike at any moment. You may be sitting around wondering what the next big thing is, or it may hit you while doing your everyday activities. Regardless of which way your genius business idea comes to you, it is imperative to begin...