Becoming a strong leader takes time. Good leadership skills evolve through experience. Some good leaders are born, while others adhere to the philosophy that insists strong leaders are molded. Here are three qualities that make a good leader.




Priority number one for a good leader is strong communication skills. That doesn’t necessarily entail communicating in a strong manner. Many great leaders have been soft-spoken in their nature, but where tremendous at leading people. The art of communication involves being able to express feelings, intentions and most of all, a message.


Being able to communicate successfully is a leadership skill that can be learned. Even strong communicators can perfect their art. An overlooked aspect of communicating is the art of listening. Most of the great communicators were known for their excellent listening skills as well. Being able to communicate is a critical quality of a good leader.


Lead by Example


Leaders also build respect by practicing what they preach. Their actions need to match their words. This is often referred to as leading by example. Managers and supervisors who insist their underlings do things a certain way, but don’t follow the same guidelines, will frequently have a staff that produces underwhelming results. Good leaders lead by example.


When leaders don’t follow through with their own principles, they begin to appear arrogant. Most have experienced a situation where workers, students, or teammates tend to talk behind their leader’s back. A root cause of internal dissension can usually be traced to a leader who doesn’t adhere to their own rules, guidelines, or instructions.




Aretha Franklin sang about a different type of respect. However, the meaning of how to treat people with respect is essentially the same for becoming a strong leader. There is also an old adage about how respect has to be earned. It is not an automatic right. Good leaders must have the respect of those they want to be successful.


Earning respect comes from a number of mannerisms exhibited by the leader. The most important place to begin is by treating others with respect. A coach, teacher, or other type of leadership responsibility, must treat everyone with the same level of respect they hope to secure for themselves.


The qualities necessary to become a good leader are often learned over time. Experience has proven to be the best teacher for the world’s greatest leaders. However, practicing these three tips will begin to establish a strong foundation.


Learning how to communicate, and then following through with what is said is critical. By adhering to a strong set of principles, a good leader will earn the most important aspect of strong leadership; respect.